The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1604   Message #5500
Posted By: LaMarca
21-May-97 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: Threadiquette and a few requests
Subject: Threadiquette and a few requests
Since the April (May) version of DT is imminent, I have a wish list of a few things for Dick, Max et al. to help folks here in the threads and elsewhere:

1. Can we get a direct link to the DT database from the thread page? When someone replies to a request "It's in the DT", I think that the questioner may not necessarily know about the DT or how to get there. A link on the thread page would help.

2. Can you post a few simple instructions on naming threads and submitting them to reduce poorly named postings and multiple postings (both topics of discussion over the past couple months)? A button/link labelled "Instructions" or "Help" to an instruction page would help those who are new and aren't genetically incapable of reading directions...(Why did Moses and the Israelites wander for 40 years? HE didn't want to stop and ask directions...)

3. Can there be something on the thread list page that specifically says "Folk Music"? I don't want to get into an argument here again about what folk music is or isn't, but the title "Mudcat Discussion Forum" doesn't give newcomers any clue that this is mostly a folk-oriented page. Many, many arguments about whether specific requests are appropriate or not would be eliminated if the discussion page actually said SOMETHING about being related to folk music, and cross referenced the DT database (see request #1). (Although, come to think of it, the arguments are almost as much fun as the song finding...)

4. Threadiquette: This forum, even with the above-mentioned arguments on the nature of folk music and which songs are appropriate requests, is usually fairly civil. I've noticed a somewhat nasty trend in tone in some threads, though, and have a final, uncivil request for civility:

If you aren't willing to take credit/resposibility for your criticisms, nasty comments or flippant remarks, DON'T SEND THEM! If you have qualms about attaching your name to your response, you should have qualms about sending it, too. Only flaming assholes flame anonymously.

Thank you; the soapbox is available for the next diatribe (with appropriate attribution, of course).

M. LaMarca,, (your tax dollars not at work...)