The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #38888   Message #550522
Posted By: Rick Fielding
14-Sep-01 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Fed up
Subject: RE: Fed up
Heck, I go away all the time (in fact I'm not here right now!).

If you're here 24/7, I'd be amazed if you DIDN'T get pissed at times.

I'd much prefer actual discussions and opinions based on personal knowledge of reasonably obscure 'folk type' music. There was quite a bit of that when I first got here and I really enjoyed it, but times change, and if a group welcomes newcomers, it gets bigger and more general.

Now the vast majority of info comes almost instantly from folks who are expert at culling things from the net. Not as much fun, but it sure reflects the kindness and willingness to help of the 'info gatherers'. If there are no interesting discussions going on about something that I can relate to or contribute to, I just bugger off and spend my 'net time' at some Shakespeare or Jazz or Leather carving sites. (if I find a 'naked folksinger' site, I might be away longer)!

The "way" a person leaves just seems to me to reflect whether they have a 'laid back' or intense personality. This place is totally addictive! Once you've invested in it, staying out must be nigh unto impossible. It's simply too much fun! I can think of at least four people who went out with great wailing and gnashing of teeth, but were back before you could say Jack Robinson. Sometimes they use different names, but the bottom line is that "The Mudcat 'pull' is mighty strong".

Bottom line is nobody gets on anybody's case when they come back, so my money is on Jim to grab his dead hamster and return. Besides if it's just 'idiots' who've ticked him off, all he needs is a bit more time here. He'll find that there are fewer complete prats on the Cat than in most pubs on a Saturday night.
