Hi, everyone. First, thoughts and prayers for all of us as we work through this tragedy and our response.Like all of us, I continue to want to do SOMETHING. Because I'm a musician, the lyrics and melodies of significant songs keep coming to me...the song varies with my changing thoughts, from the patriotic tunes we learned as kids to Civil Rights freedom songs to rebel songs to peace songs to hymns...
I wonder, what songs are coming to your minds? Is anyone writing songs, and if so, what do they express?
And also...has anyone in the musical community put together or participated in a musical event related to the crisis? What is it? How have you organized it? How effective was it?
I PLEAD that this thread remain free of argument and debate. If you want to do that, post on another thread, there are plenty. I hope that people will concentrate on the human language of its music and its ability to heal, move, motivate, and console.