The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39040   Message #552575
Posted By: InOBU
17-Sep-01 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: DC areaCatters: for benefit concert
Subject: RE: DC areaCatters: for benefit concert
Hi Guys! To coordinate the finding of tourests and other guests of the nation lost here - foriegn workers, the most of whom are English, I believe about 500 English workers and vistors, we can contact all the consulates over the next few months. The reason I propose to help the families of the guests of the nation, are that they have the least in the way of in place support. So, though I believe we owe the first thanks to Firepersonel and Police, ambulance crews and the three court officers who are still missing, there are organisations that exist, we as a little band of folkies may think of looking to those overlooked. Was down a block or two from ground zero today... I don't know how to make a web page, but if someone wants to put my digital photos up somewhere mudcatters can see em, email me at and I will email some to ya, Cheersmdears. Keep strong, pray for peace, play for justice, Larry