The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39095   Message #553250
Posted By: InOBU
18-Sep-01 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: New song from downtown NYC
Subject: New song from downtown NYC
Arthur and I, we went out very early...
so early in morning, before the dawning of the day

we went out to work the polls, we were feeling light and cheerful

And feeling as hopeful as we saw the suns first ray

As we worked the bright sidewalks,

not long after the sun rise

we saw a plane fly o're so low we all did say

that we hoped all on board, would land somewhere in safety

and as we worked, each one of us did pray

Now what can the matter be, where are those cars going,

flashing lights and now ambulances as well,

and that look in all the faces, that spread from one to another

and then the story, to horrible to tell.

What of our loved ones, who work beneath those towers,

We watched a white cloud rise up in the cloudless sky

and we soon understood, that this cloud marked a pyre

Where so many of our neighbors, for madness would die

I walked through the streets, hearing only wailing sirens,

the gritty taste of gypsum, in my mouth and in my eye

And I saw the far off looks in the eyes of all the people

as we watched the day unfold, and could only wonder why

Who ever can forget, the cry of hundreds of whistles

as oxygen tanks alarms, marked where the heroes lay

Each firefighters and police, who ran into such danger

in spite of the terror, that others might get away.

Now Arthur calls for war, and I still pray for peace

I can't believe that killing, will make us safe again

We can never end by killing, what killing has created

No war has ever ended wars, can this madness ever end

Lets fire up cold furnaces In the steel mills of Bethlehem

out in Pennsylvania, in towns once built by steel,

and we'll reforge the girders, from the ruins of the towers

And raise a World Peace Center, this ruined world to heal.

Lorcan Otway, can be sung to the tune of the old ballad, don't remember the name, "late last night, I went to a wedding, a wedding of a fair maid, who proved to be unkind..." Cheersmdears, pray for peace. Larry