The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39125   Message #554030
Posted By: Troll
19-Sep-01 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Sycophantic Americans - Please Read
Subject: RE: Sycophantic Americans - Please Read
I, for one, have NEVER said that the US was not wrong on ocassion. My country has made some foolish and, on ocassion, deadly errors in judgement.
It happens. Live with it.
Now lets look at a few points: 1) The most important terrorist goal -as stated by bin Laden- is the death of ALL Americans. He has other demands but they pale into insignificance beside this one.
2) The Saudi government invited the us to set up the base there to help protect Saudi interests from Saddam. Bin Ladens gripe there is with the Saudis, not the US.
3) Saddam Hussein agreed to the sanctions when he surrendered. The sanctions were to stay in place until such time as it could be verified that he had ceased to manufacture weapons of mass destruction. He has refused to allow that verification. We gave our word that the sanctions would stay in place until the conditions of surrender were carried out. We are keeping our word. Iraq is allowed to sell a certain amount of oil so that humanitarian supplies may be purchased -food medicine etc.- but this is not being done. The Iraqui government is using the money to build up their army; we are even told that they may have nuclear devices.
In the meantime, their people starve while the money for their food goes to rebuild Saddams army.
4) It is the job of intelligence to de-stabilize inimical foreign governments when that suits our purposes and the same is true of the intelligence service of any government.
5)IF an explicit warning >I?was given three months prior to the atrocity, then heads should roll.
6)"It is tantamount to sabotage to elucidate the role that the Bush's have had in creating foreign military "mad men" and then feel the need to show them who is boss once they feel "sovereign"." This has been pointed in many of the news media, and, so far as I know, no news editors have been executed to date. (One can always hope...)
7)"It is treasonous to suggest that the Bush team would sabotage alternative energy and increase our reliance on oil and the middle east." See # 6
I see no need to address your other points since they are not of an objective nature.
I think I agree with your heart, mind and hand post BTW.
