The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39125   Message #554110
Posted By: GUEST,Celtic Soul
19-Sep-01 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Sycophantic Americans - Please Read
Subject: RE: Sycophantic Americans - Please Read
As someone who chooses to post semi-anonymously (a handle but no name), I have made it a point to never post flame-bait, and on those occasions when misunderstandings do occur, I try to always take responsibility.

Why? Because if I am not going to sign my real name to it, I feel it is my responsibility to try hard to keep from adding to negativity (is that enough "to's", do ya think? ;D )

In that line of thinking, when someone chooses to use a word that is fairly widely thought of as being derogatory (sycophantic), then one is *beginning* their post by putting others on the defensive.

What I would suggest is that becoming defensive in return is not the way to smooth feathers or to have your point be heard. A simple apology and explanation of your intents without any caviates about how others have defensively responded will win others more quickly to your premise.