The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39177   Message #555000
Posted By: DougR
20-Sep-01 - 02:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: America has LOST THE WAR
Subject: RE: BS: America has LOST THE WAR
Donuel: I didn't hear the Walter Cronkite quote but if you think the freedom of speech is going to be stifled by the government, I think you are incorrect. There is round-the-clock coverage of events on many of the cable networks, particularly Fox News Network and CNN.

If, and when, there is a military response I'm sure we will hear about it. On the other hand if what you are seeking is full disclosure of military plans prior to any action to be taken, you are going to be sorely disappointed.

This is not a criminal action, it is an act of war, and wartime restrictions on information is going to be the rule.

As someone said before, we are not defeated ...we haven't even started yet.
