The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39158   Message #555149
Posted By: Skeptic
20-Sep-01 - 05:12 PM
One of W's jobs (an important one) is to fill the role of Leader and whether he is effective at that is a subjective call. Whether Clinton, Gore, McCain or Bugs Bunny would or wouldn't have done as good a job is one of those unprovable assertions that, for me, aren't all that important. The reality is that we will never know.

At this time, it's hard to judge Bush. There have been times since the attack that I found him wooden and others where the determination and emotion was clear. Whether he uses big or little words isn't important. During the campaign and after his election he seemed to have a less than 8th grade grasp of geography and foreign affairs and I found (and find) that troubling.

The president makes the choice of what our response is to be, but who is providing the choices? It is not Bush or (with a few exceptions) his cabinet that will truly develop and implement our response, both immediate and long term, but the career military and civil service. (Powell and Cheny may be the execptions) Long before this crisis, the power, influence and subtle control they exert has been a reality. Bush may make the "final decision" but it will probably be among a limited set of options.


Other people who think? Surely you don't include yourself. :)

Kim C,

The 8th grade maxim is a newspaper rule too, but then the goal there is to sell newspapers not lead a newspaper. I like a little more literacy. Maybe 11th grade? (which isn't saying much these days).

