The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39237   Message #555482
Posted By: Amos
20-Sep-01 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's speech
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's speech
No offense intended, Allie, and none taken. I understand your fear.

In New Zealand, are you?

Don't think you have much to fear there.

Thanks for your message, and its honesty. I wish the approach you have described could honestly be taken effectively.

But I don't believe that it could. I have no idea what the costs would be to resurrect economies which have themselves failed to stand up and flourish. I am not sure all the money in the world could cure the inherent misconceptions that are at work. I don't ean to sound glib, really. I just have no idea how to think about so monumental an idea.