The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39247   Message #555796
Posted By: Amos
21-Sep-01 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: The Key to All US war strategy
Subject: RE: The Key to All US war strategy
Awright, awright, all you boys settle down, here, settle down, just settle down here. You folks in town dint do nothin to invite this hyar range war into yore lives. Ah reckon I can understan that. But Sherriff Tumbleweed hyar, why he's steppin up to a problem, and the hard thing is, if it ain't stepped up to now, the next thing ya know it might be the blacksmith shop! Or the schoolhouse! These desperadoes are trying to run us off, and we won't run. Now, I say we back Sherriff Tumbleweed up until we done cleared out the outlaw nests in these parts and kin get back to normal livin, ranchin, schoolin' prayin' and occasional drinkin' down there at the Yall-Come-Back Saloon.

Ah say, we-all have cliches to live up to, an I fer one intend to live up to 'em. Naow whose with me on that, no wboys??