The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39247   Message #555829
Posted By: GUEST,just a nobody
21-Sep-01 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: The Key to All US war strategy
Subject: RE: The Key to All US war strategy
Troll: Why is it I get the feeling that the 'touchy feely' crowd is not listening to common sense, and obviously is not doing alot of reading on the subject they are so willing to criticize?

Mary: Have you read one thing about Bin Ladin? I really want to know... I have done alot of reading about Bin Laudin, his decrees, and the validity of his decrees according to islamic beliefs. Troll is very correct, he is not going to stop. He has declared a war against the West, particularly America. He does not care if citizens get killed. I also wonder if you watched the president's speech? I know that he had stated that this was not a war against Muslims.... but was against a handful of extremists that have killed thousands of innocent people. If we just drop this, let it go, walk off and play nice, will you take your part of the blame when the next attack takes place? When the extremists come back, percieving the US and it's allies as weak. what will it take before you realize you cannot ignore this threat? How many die before you decide to respond? Give me a number... they will not talk this out with us... Bin Ladin has made his stance clear, so have we...

Don: Other than the fact you dislike Bush, What is your problem with him? Petty little jabs and insults dont' really give your complaints or criticisms any validity. lets see what you dislike, and hear what should be done. Otherwise... this is just a place to bash teh president for you.