The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39157   Message #555844
Posted By: Deda
21-Sep-01 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Infinite Justice...
Subject: RE: Infinite Justice...
I'll confess, as someone who has been public about disliking this president pretty intensely from early in his campaign, I watched the whole speech and I admit he did OK. I'm not as bowled over by it as some, but he did far better than I had feared, and in a few places he actually spoke with real conviction, even some passion. He showed that his heart had been moved by the losses of the last week, which demonstrated publicly that he HAS a heart. Conservatives aren't big on heart, generally, and they tend to insult those of us on the other side as "bleeding hearts" -- to which I have generally responded "at least I HAVE a heart, thank you". I really do believe that the best of what we are and could be is contained in that metaphor of our hearts, and I want public officials who listen to their own hearts. I think W. did some of that last night -- first time I ever saw that in him.