The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39237   Message #556119
Posted By: kendall
21-Sep-01 - 05:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's speech
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's speech
Kim C, that is really convoluted! I cant comment on the speech because I didn't hear it. I too cant stand the sight or the sound of that moron. However, I dont think either Doug or Troll mean to start trouble. Even though I disagree with them on all political matters, they strike me as being honest, decent, thoughtful and, unfortunately, wrong. No, they are not wrong, I have no right to say that. I do have the right to say I disagree with them.

Troll, I have said repeatedly that I am a liberal, and I support the second amendment. Why dont you hear that? I have also said Clinton was a disgrace to the office, that I have voted republican in the past, that I sent a contribution to McCain, and you dont hear any of that. When has either of you two said anything good about a democrat? I dont recall if you have, and you both seem to support any republican. Come to think of it, that's what makes me a liberal. I'm not hidebound.

One final word to you two, I'd have dinner or a beer with either of you, but stay away from politics. In my younger days, I could start a fight in an empty house!