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Thread #39247   Message #556340
Posted By: GUEST,Just a nobody
21-Sep-01 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: The Key to All US war strategy
Subject: RE: The Key to All US war strategy
Don, Ok.. what political actions would you take. It is easy to say, but harder to define what actions to take. Please explain further what you would do. You have stated the obvious of using a global tribunal, and political means, but you are not really saying anything. What would you do politically? That is the question.

CarolC: Well put, however, I do have some things I wish to take issue with. We have tried to get a coalition of other nations. We have that coalition forming, and more countries are backing the US now than they did in Desert Storm. Working together with these countries we do what? Threaten Switzerland if they do not freeze suspected assets? What do we threaten them with? Can they retaliate by freezing our assets? It seems that it would change from a military action to an economic war. Sanctions have backfired, look at Iraq. Bribe countries to give up their terrorists? Might work, or we might give an influx of money to a country that will use those funds to support another bombing. Economic attacks through banks, embargo's, and diplomatic isolation can destabilize a country as bad as an all out military assault. I want to believe there is a peaceful avenue, but I fear that this will not be.

Just in general: I hope that if there is anything this country has learned, it is to change how we deal with our percieved enemies. Remember, WE created Bin Ladin. We founded and trained him to fight against the Soviets. We are not in a Frankenstien situation. How to destroy the monster that we had a hand in creating? And most importantly how to avoid doing so again. People seem to think that if we go to war, we will go in with conventional methods. I don't think that is going to be the case. I think we will at times, but I think behind the scenes will be the most frightning part of this war. The men and women who are out there, quietly waiting for thier target. Who, no matter what we call them, CIA, SAS, SNA they are still assassins. Truth is, I fully expect most of the fighting will be done quietly, and out of the public eye. Do I fear retaliation, God yes I do. I live a very short distance from a major target. The command center in Florida is a scary place to be anywhere near right now. My wife told me today that a car not 30 minutes from our house was found, loaded with explosives. Am I scared of military action, yes because I know I am near a retaliation target. But, right now, I am wanting to hear a peaceful answer that I cannot find holes in.