The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39186   Message #556378
Posted By: Jim Dixon
21-Sep-01 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Infinite Justice outsilent but deadly in
Subject: RE: BS: Infinite Justice outsilent but deadly in
The way I understand it works is this: Every time they need to give a name to a new military operation, they use some computer program to generate a random two-letter combination, and then someone thinks up a catchy slogan to fit it. I suppose they use this two-letter code for identifying their paperwork.

Anyway, the two letters generated for this operation were IJ. They probably won't change those. They will probably think of a new phrase that starts with those initials.

Didn't Desert Storm originally have a different name that started with DS? I can't remember what it was or why they changed it though. Or maybe it worked the other way -- when the "storm" was over, they changed it to something more peaceful sounding.