The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39248   Message #556583
Posted By: Jeri
22-Sep-01 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: What has happened here?
Subject: RE: What has happened here?
The main thing that bothered me was that multiple threads were being started to express a thought that might have fit in some other threads, and folks were replying in all of them. Let's face it - we've probably lost most of the folks who come here for serious music discussion anyway. We're down to folks who don't mind some, or all non-music discussion, and of the folks who like "some" I guess there will be a few who think we've gone over the line into "most." I hope they come back, but I don't think many people here care. Slowly but surely, the nature of the forum is weeding them out.

I do understand the need to talk about this, but most of the threads I've seen started in the last couple of days have been about "should we kick ass, who's ass should we kick, how should we kick it, and George W Bush." The focus is on anger and retribution, or it's simply another liberal vs. conservative smack-down.

I still think of the victims. I've read what Larry (InOBU) has posted about the courage of the firefighters. I imagine what someone might think, if they've lost a loved one and come here looking for some comfort. I suspect they wouldn't hang around long.

I watched the musical tribute that was on most US TV channels last night. They sang of love and courage and faith. In between the songs, they told the stories of individuals: A firefighter that was to retire that day, went to the site anyway and was killed. A man who chose to stay behind with his paraplegic friend, and both were killed, a man with a light who grasped the hand of a fallen firefighter, who in turn grasped a hand until a human chain was formed - all were led to safety and the man with the light was never identified. He just walked off. The program was something to be proud of.

I know I can't change anyone's mind about what they post here. I know my voice is a small one, easily ignored. Folks who hate are going to go on hating, folks who are angry will remain angry, and folks who see opportunity for political debates will continue debate until whatever ideas were originally present lie in an unrecognisable, bleeding heap. I'm doing nothing more than adding my point of view to all the least the rest of those who are still around and willing to say what they think.