The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39177   Message #557974
Posted By: CarolC
25-Sep-01 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: America has LOST THE WAR
Subject: RE: BS: America has LOST THE WAR
DougR, they're not my alternatives in most cases. Mostly, they are the alternatives that I've been hearing about from the many people I've been listening to lately. I need to spend a little time thinking about how to articulate what I think about your question before I answer it.

In the meantime, I'll tell you something I heard General Powell say today that I thought was extremely appropriate. I wish I had his exact words to give you, but I don't, so I'll have to paraphrase.

He said that we need to approach this in the context of being a part of the many against the few. He said that we need to be careful about how we do things or we could find ourselves trying to deal with this as one of the few against the many. He said that it would be very difficult for us to accomplish what we want to do in that way.