The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39113   Message #557981
Posted By: Kamalla Rose Kaur
25-Sep-01 - 12:35 AM
Featured in New York Times Editorials/Letters Monday September 24, 2001

The Faces of America

To the Editor:

Re "Identify Yourself," by Gregory Rodriguez (Week in Review, Sept. 23):

I am a Sikh and an American, and proud to be both. I sport a beard and wear a turban. As an American, I am outraged by the recent tragedy. And as a Sikh, I am hurt by the senseless attacks on my fellow Sikhs in many parts of the country. When I go to a mall or a grocery store, people stare at me, possibly wondering about my intentions. I could shave off my beard, wear a baseball cap and not be a subject of any suspicion, but I ask myself, Why? Am I ashamed of myself, my ethnicity or my faith? Am I afraid of my fellow Americans? Did I commit a crime of some sort? Upon introspection, I've found my own answer. Tomorrow morning when I go out, I will be wearing a nice red turban, white shirt and blue pants, our national colors, walking proud as a peacock, smiling at people I love and live with in our great country.

NARINDER SINGH Lenexa, Kan., Sept. 23, 2001 •

Kamalla Rose Kaur's response:

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

OH YEAH! This man has a knack for publicity! OOOoooo eeeee! Red turban, white shirt and blue pants!

But hey, this is America, how about white and red striped turban, blue starred shirt and RED pants, white shoes? (Golf clubs optional!)

Or wear stars and stripes pants and a red and white striped shirt with a simple navy turban? Accessorize with a dapper hanky, in the USA flag design?

Yes, the opportunities for self expression and individuality are endless!

REAAAAAAALLY, you Sikhs men look marrrrrvelous!

Love and Light- Kamalla Rose Kaur

PS - Actually, please ask the Sri Guru Granth before you try this one. And don't mention me in any of your fashion statement decisions. I ain't wearing anything red, white and blue! No way!

No I have my Arabian scarf headcovering, with my Kirpan prominant on my hip, and long flowing skirts, this week.

To each her or his own!

I totally LOVE this BRO! Great letter! Totally! Totally!