The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39247   Message #558293
Posted By: Donuel
25-Sep-01 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: The Key to All US war strategy
Subject: RE: The Key to All US war strategy
Bush let the word CRUSADE slip out of his mouth. 'Loony bin' Laden latched onto it and is not letting go. A crusade or fatwa would supply the ongoing recruits Laden hopes for. IT does not seem that this is going to ahppen as he desired. There are many goals to accomplish but to meet a loon's crusade with a crusade to match is to be discouraged. Whatever discension from within we will welcome if it is men, women or children. My wife tells me that Mohammad was pushed by his wife to establish Islam. Perhaps women will help restor it to sanity. I have never read the Koran but I am sure there are lofty goals that are compatible with this century. Here are some obvious goals we can agree upon.

Freedom from want for everyone anywhere in the world is a lofty goal. Freedom of speech and expression for everyone in the world is an honest goal. Freedom for anyone to worship as they please anywhere in the world is a desireable goal although some religious dogma has a built in destruct mechanisms. To be free from fear anywhere in the world is our current goal.