The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39113   Message #558833
Posted By: Kamalla Rose Kaur
25-Sep-01 - 09:53 PM
Guru Piari Sadh Sangat Ji,

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Deshdeepak Singh has very nicely reviewed the purpose of Khalsa in this universe. Clearly we are supposed to be protectors of the helpless and we have to be strong and not hide though it is going to be rough ride. The Khalsa will use this opportunity to shine and show what true living is to the rest of the world. Those who are preparing to take their amrit are coming forward ( Rose Kaur and Kulpreet Singh are displaying how the Sikhs rise and accept the challenges during difficult times) and are the brave Khalsa. As some have already mentioned in their e-mails the Khalsa must cease the moment and get into the media show Chardi kala and share Sri Guru Granth Sahib with the world.

Kirtan in parks is a good idea and the golak can go to charities. Lets hope there is no war but if it is to happen then there is an opportunity to form a world-wide Khalsa regiment consisting of Sikh recruits from all countries, this will be a step closer to Khalsa presence in the UN forces.

Bhai Ghaniya served humanity during Sikh battles, we need to follow his example and send aid to the hungry now and get ready for any war casualities though we should be speaking against wars. Guru Gobind Singh Ji's arrowheads were made of gold so that the family left behind would have some financial support. Is anyone going to care for the orphans of wars? The Khalsa should be helping the hungry in Afghanistan along with the Red Cross and the UN etc and not be afraid. Forcing countries to chose between war and trade is hardly democratic.

Lastly, I like the idea of Misls. Misl-USA is good, we here in the UK also have a Surbut-Khalsa Misl-UK. I hope other countries will also start a Khalsa Misl movement to serve the world so that under the Khalsa protection all will be without pain.


Satnam Kaur

Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 9:01 PM Subject: [SikhCyberSangat] Long-term Strategy for Sikh-Americans!

> Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa > Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! > > Khalsa Ji, > > Do not trade the honor and dignity of the Sikh Panth for the preservation of > our worthless bodies! > > Now is not the time to focus on our own persecution but to serve and carry > the burdens of our fellow humans! > > Sikhs are not victims, Sikhs are heroes, they rise up to the challenges of > the their times and are willing to give everything in Waheguru's name to > serve Akal Purakh and all its creation! > > Now is the time for heroic deeds - Subh Karman. Like our ancestors did, it > is now time for us to write our own page in the Ardas! > >