The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22321   Message #559097
Posted By: Sam Pirt
26-Sep-01 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Perfect singers
Subject: RE: BS: Perfect singers
I think this subject is far closer to home than people are making it. a perfect singer or musician is a person who is able to get the message of what they are singing or playing accross to the audience at an emotional level.

Popularity may easily come into this subject, a popular singer may not neccessarily be a 'perfect singer' To me a perfect singer to me is someone who uses their voice to the full while at the same time getting the meaning of the song accross to the audience in their own style.

For me the opposite of a perfect singer is a person who although may be technically brilliant, looses the whole point of the song and its meaning.

Cheers, Sam