The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1621   Message #5594
Posted By:
23-May-97 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: Folk Songs to Ditch

How about an entirely separate category for us Canadians.

Folk songs that you REALLY like but want to see deleted forever from the Archives of the CBC.

I don't know if those south of our mutual border realize that 2 songs by Wade Hemsworth, namely "The Log Drivers Waltz" and "The Blackfly Song" were made into animated TV shorts. These were then played whenever commercial sales couldn't fill the allotted time over a period of what seemed like a year. This mercifully has ended but what were 2 of my favorite songs have been put on my "Don't play for a long time" list.

I think there was at one time an attempt to save Ilkley Moor with a bi-lingual version "On Ilkley Moor sans ch(a)peau" but can't remember all the words.

Frank Phillips