The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8877   Message #55971
Posted By: SteveF (inactive)
27-Jan-99 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: Puff the Dragon on Pot?
Subject: Puff the Dragon on Pot?
In a different thread (Banned Songs), Tom mentioned the well-known (I think) charge that "Puff the Magic Dragon" was really an "in" song celebrating drug use. He added the follow-up to the story was that the charges were established to be a government plot to discredit Peter, Paul, and Mary.

I've always assumed that that the song was indeed a tongue-in-cheek pro-pot sing, even though PP&M publicly denied it. Most entertainers cannot resist a few inside jokes of their own.

Does anyone have further information on this matter? Truth? Speculation?
