The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39438   Message #559818
Posted By: alanww
27-Sep-01 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
Subject: RE: OBIT: Worcester Jerry
I also met him at the Baker's Arms. He was a great guy redhorse - he had a twinkle in his eye, was always smiling and delivered those wonderful mischievous stories. He will be much missed and I will always remember him with fondness!

"When my time is over
Haul away to heaven
Haul away to heaven
God be at my side"

PS I presume you have been able to let the others at the Baker's Arms, like Stan Jones and Tim Sexton, know - I'm sure some would wish to pay their respects at the funeral. If you have not been able to contact them, please send me a personal message asap and I will telephone them.