mg, a chara,
The damage was done well before 1960. Your comment may apply to the Kennedy-Fraser adaptation; she's been much criticised for her romanticising of tradition songs. But she did collect and preserve them and did publish the Gaelic words along with her fanciful translations. Kishmul's Galley, a' Bhirlinn Bharrach [the Barra Galley] is in vol. 1 of Kennedy-Fraser's "Songs of the Hebrides". The Gaelic words are from Mrs.m Maclean, Barra and tune from the singing of Mary Macdonald, Mingulay. I've tried to translate a bit of the text as given by Kennedy-Fraser. In other collections of Gaelic song you will find "Beinn a' Cheathaich" or "the Misty Mountain" - sometimes as an air, sometimes done fast as a waulking song (song sung for group work, fulling the tweed). An Internet search indicates that the Poozies and Bannal (a group specialising in waulking songs) have recorded "Beinn a' Cheathaich"Latha dhomh am Beinn a' Cheathaich [One day I was at Beinn a' Cheathaich]
Air fal-il-o o-i-o-u
Gu'n deach bàta Chloinn Neill seachad [and I saw Clann MacNeill's boat go past]
o hi-o hu-o fal-u-o.I gun slat gun rachd gun bheairt rith [She had no yard, no traveller (a ring keeping the mast to the yard), no running beam(?)]
Air fal-il-o o-i-o-u
Gun cheann cumail air a h-acair [without a brace on her anchor]
o hi-o hu-oFearchar air stiùir làmh ri tapadh [Fearchar steered her cleverly]
Air fal-il-o o-i-o-u
Ruaraidh Òg an t-oighre maiseach [young Rory was the handsome heir]
o hi-o hu-oGille dhillean Mòr an gaisgeach
Air fal-il-o o-i-o-u
'S Niall Gruamach Mac Ruari 'n Tartair.
o hi-o hu-oB'ait leam do bhàta 's gabhail
Air fal-il-ho riona-so
'Mach ò dhùthaich Mhic 'Illeathain
o hi-o hu-o fal-u-o
'Steach gu Ceisemul an athair [Ceisemul=Kishmul]
Air fal-il-o, no rion-a-so
Far am faighteadh cuirm ri gabhail
o hi-o hu-o fal-u-oFion ò oidhche 'gus an latha [wine from night to day]
fal-li-o-hu o-i-o-u
Is clarsach bhinn 'ga gleusadh marris [and a sweet harp playing]
o hi-o hu-o fal-u-o