The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #204   Message #560
Posted By: Michael
25-Nov-96 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mist Covered Mountains of Home
Subject: RE: Lyric Req: Mist Covered Mountains
Whoa! I think I may be out of my depth on that one. I never new her as anything other than Talitha McKenzie. I'll have a look around and see what I can scare up round here.

Re. Fionnaghuala (I get cramps evry time I type that!). It was a real hit for the Bothy Band (on Old Hag You Have Killed Me, I think) and Nightnoise (Windham Hill) has redone it. (Triona & Micheal O Domnhaill of the Bothies are both in Nightnoise). I prefer the earlier version. Very exciting.

The other I may be able to find if I can locate a copy of Margaret Faye Shaws book on the Folklore of the South Uist

I am at work right now. I'll get a copy of Mist Covered Mt. from home and post it tonight if I have time. Cheers!