The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8877   Message #56001
Posted By: catspaw49
27-Jan-99 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Puff the Dragon on Pot?
Subject: RE: Puff the Dragon on Pot?
You could be right Zorro. It was a time when using pot was, to say the least, popular and the drug culture changes in the '60's would certainly have quite easily produced a song like "Puff."

Then again, the '60's were a time of untoward turmoil in this country where young people went to the drive-in on Saturday and to Viet Nam on Sunday. Unlike many past wars, Viet Nam was not so clearly defined. Maybe some were rich kids with too much time and money; maybe some were confronted with the realization that what they'd been taught in school about the government didn't match with the six o'clock news. Some saw civil rights as an issue that would work out over time; some saw Bull Connor and Lester Maddox and Ross Barnett and they still loved what their country stood for...they also hated what it had become.

Maybe it was television that provided the graphic images. Perhaps it was the number of issues that seemed to reach critical mass at one point in time. It could have been a generation of baby boomers with coonskin caps who believed Fess Parker, portraying Davy Crockett, when he said, "A man always has to do what he thinks is right." Maybe a lot of things..........

But to "come of age" in the '60's was like falling off a cliff, not walking along a path. Loss of innocence came like a hatchet between the eyes and some insightful souls may have seen that better than others at the time...Tom Paxton perhaps...or Phil Ochs...Patrick Sky...and maybe too, Peter Yarrow.

No...Probably not. Maybe I need to find a joint, fire up, and think about it.
