The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39495   Message #560405
Posted By: Cap't Bob
27-Sep-01 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Nudity In Public
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
A couple of summers ago I was sailing on Lake Huron quite a ways from shore to avoid all of the PWC's (Personal Water Crafts). Ahead off the port bow I saw whad appeared to be a PWC dead in the water. As I got closer I could see someone frantically waving their arms at me. I figured that it must have had run out of gas or was possibly having mechanical problems and reluctantly decided to give assistance.

When I was close enough to get a good look ~ what had appeared to be arms waving turned out to be legs flailing about. There were actually two people on the PWC, both naked, and engaged in something very ((naughty)). As I sailed past they gave me a brief glance and went back to the task at hand.

This really happened ~~ I still find it difficult to believe that someone would eventually find a good use for one of these damnable contraptions.

Cap't Bob