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Thread #39247   Message #560608
Posted By: CarolC
28-Sep-01 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: The Key to All US war strategy
Subject: RE: The Key to All US war strategy
Do you really think their appearance has anything to do with the way the Taliban conduct themselves?

And then there's the matter of the problems that come with linking physical appearance with the behavior of one specific group of people. Let's use as an example what is happening to people of the Sikh religion who are being persecuted because they look somewhat like Muslims.

There may be people in the world who look like those members of the Taliban, who have nothing to do with the activities of the Taliban. When you make their appearance an issue, you may be putting a lot of innocent people at risk.

And then there's the problem of demonizing your enemies. I believe that is one of the things that made it possible for the hijackers to do the heinous things that they did. They had demonized those of us in the US so they would not have to think of us as humans, and in that way, they could do inhuman things to us.

You can call it PC if you want. Personally, I just think it's common sense.