The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39495   Message #560687
Posted By: Jim Dixon
28-Sep-01 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: Nudity In Public
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
Mrrzy: Now, that's an interesting quesion! Evidently the age is lower in the US than in Britain. (Cultural differences -- one of my favorite topics.) At a wading pool in a public park near the beach in Brighton, UK, I was surprised to see kids as old as (I would guess) 6 or 7 totally starkers! While their mothers watched.

You would never see that in the US. In fact, it would be rare to see ANY nudity, even by kids, in a place as public as a city park. In the US, I've seen tiny kids, toddlers really, naked at beaches in country parks where there were few people about, in people's backyards while friends are visiting, etc., but that's about all. I guess the general feeling is that kids shouldn't be seen naked by strangers.