The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39446   Message #560699
Posted By: GUEST,just a nobody
28-Sep-01 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Soldiers Shipping Out
Subject: RE: Soldiers Shipping Out
I am reminded of the Gulf War, when my best friend was called up. He was infantry marines. He came home right before Thanksgiving. We talked about what was going on and he laughed about it. I asked him if he would be sent. He shook his head, "Nope... I'm with a communications unit. We won't go untill well after Christmas." Three days later he called me, he needed me to fill out some paperwork, and collect some personal belongings. He was being sent out by the end of the week. It hadn't hit me the seriousness of the situation. I came onto base after a 5 hour drive, wearing my leather trenchcoat buttoned up all the way. A man with a rather large gun asked me "didn't your mother teach you any better than to come onto a military base looking like that?"

Lets see... "Don't stick that in the lightsocket, Don't leave the lid up, don't take candy from strangers, don't trust men, don't drink and drive... nope... I think we skipped that one..." Finally my frend came and met me, while men with large guns watched me. We talked and laughed, went out in search of a place for me to crash. We went out to the bar, drank till we couldn't see straight, and sat on the steps of my hotel room till dawn.

I drove him back to base and he went into his barraks (I was smart enough to leave the trench coat in the trunk this time). He came back and he started going over a thick stack of paperwork. I was barely paying attention until I heard 'Will' 'power of attorney' and other very official words. He handed me his 9MM that I had sold to him. "I can't take it. It's against the rules to kill someone with it." I paused and looked at the Glock. I think at that moment I realized what was happening. My best freind was giving me everything he had, "just in case." He showed no worry, but "We are all supposed to do this crap before we leave."

When we were kids in school, I remember that many of my friends looked up to me. Not that I was popular, or greatly intelectual. But because I was a reliable friend. I was always kind of proud to be the "leader" of our little clique. When we stood to leave I hugged my freind, I was proud of him. Proud to know him, proud that he trusted me. My friend broke the hug reminding me that it is really 'Uncool to be gay in the Marines." I'm not sure if he saw me cry when I left. There went my friend, to endanger himself so that I didn't have to.

To all those who answer the call... God bless you.. and thank you. And to those people that are left behind, Your strength and sacrifice is no less honored. God preserve our men and women who serve, protect the innocent, and comfort those that wait for thier return.