The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39520   Message #560813
Posted By: SharonA
28-Sep-01 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: Florida Catters: What's the folk scene?
Subject: Florida Catters: What's the folk scene?
I was just chatting with a business colleague in Orlando, FL and she jokingly (?) said I should think about moving down there (from southeastern Pennsylvania) to work. So, while I'm entertaining the thought, I'd like to know what the folk music scene is like there. Are there many folk clubs? Places to perform such as coffeehouses, house concerts and other non-smoking venues? Folk festivals?

Just curious! I'm not going to up-and-move tomorrow or anything, but with the "war" and the "recession" and all, it may be time for me to at least consider some alternatives to living between New York City and Washington, DC! Thanks in advance for any info.
