The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39247   Message #561178
Posted By: CarolC
28-Sep-01 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: The Key to All US war strategy
Subject: RE: The Key to All US war strategy
Actually, I,hurricane, I got a kick out of your analysis.

As far as the article by Daniel Pipes is concerned, I read it, and I was concerned by it also. I came very close to posting something about it then, but I didn't have the rational part of my psyche engaged at the time, so I decided it would be better for me to refrain from posting anything right away.

My take on the situation with him is that he is coming from a military perspective rather than from a diplomatic perspective. This dichotomy of perspectives seems to be a significant source of disagreement among our leaders about what needs to be done, and how best to do it.

Today, I heard a panel expert on a news program say that the military people run the risk of destroying the coalition if the approach they use is too heavy handed, but that the military people need the coalition in order to accomplish their goals. Interesting dilemma.