The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39560   Message #561616
Posted By: DonMeixner
29-Sep-01 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: Phil Ochs as guitarist
Subject: Phil Ochs as guitarist
Because of the events of late I have been revisiting my earliest folk influences. Once again I am taken by Phil Ochs incredible gifts as a writer. "Changes" will always haunt me. As will "When I'm Gone", was he presaging his own life I have wondered. Piles of stuff to down load at Morpheus by the way. Most of it is available for easy down loads. Has anyone looked at him as a guitarist? I hear such a mix of style that I am too quickly lost as to what he was doing. Was he just blistering fast as a flat picker? Did he hold the flat pick and finger pick as well like many Nashvillians do? From the stand point as a writer of music did he just like to pack as many chords in one line as possible? Or was he just a guitar hack and a brilliant lyricist? Any ideas.

Don Meixner