The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9425   Message #561731
Posted By: wysiwyg
30-Sep-01 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: History of spirituals
Subject: RE: History of spirituals
I received the following via PM. Thanks, Rich!


Below is a listing of books I have that might be related to your assemblage of spirituals. You have some and maybe all of them, so pull out what you can use for your bibliography.

Listing Created 29 Sep 101, at 21:56
Belden, Henry M; Hudson, Arthur Palmer (Eds.) (1952): The Frank C. Brown Collection of North Carolina Folkore. Vol. III, Folk Songs From North Carolina. Duke Univ. Press, Durham, NC. 703 pages. (lib. cong. 52-10967)
Silverman,Jerry (Ed.) (1994): Slave Songs. Chelsea House, New York. 64 pages. (ISBN 0-7910-1853-9)
Scarborough,Dorothy (1925 (reprint 1963)): On The Trail of Negro Folk-Songs. Harvard University Press (reprint Folklore Associates), Cambridge, MA (Hatboro, PA). 295 pages.
Courlander,Harold (1960, 1963): Negro Songs From Alabama. Oak Publications, New York NY. 111 pages.
Parrish,Lydia (1942 (reprint 1992)): Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea Islands. Creative Age Press (Brown Thrasher Books, University of Georgia Press), (Athens, GA). 256 pages. (ISBN 0-8203-1389-0)
Odum, Howard W; Johnson, Guy B (1926 (reprint 1969)): Negro Workaday Songs. Univ. of North Carolina Press (reprint Negro Universities Press), Chapel Hill, NC (New York). 278 pages. ((ISBN 8371-1938-3))
Odum, Howard D; Johnson, Guy B (1925): The Negro and His Songs, A Study of Typical Negro Songs in the South. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC. 306 pages.
Allen, William Francis; Ware, Charles Pickford; Garrison, Lucy McKim; Schlein, Irving (1965 (1867)): Slave Songs of the United States. Oak Publications, New York. 176 pages. (Lib Cong 6522693) (reprint of 1867 original with new piano scores by Schlein)
Work, John W (1940): American Negro Songs and Spirituals. reprint Bonanza Books, 259 pages.
Johnson, James Weldon (1925): The Book of American Negro Spirituals. Viking Press, New York. 187 pages.
Solomon, Olivia; Solomon, Jack (Eds.) (1991): "Honey In The Rock", the Ruby Pickens Tartt Collection of Religious Folk songs from Sumter County, Alabama. Mercer Univ. Press, Macaon, GA. 176 pages. (ISBN 0-86554-336-4)