The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39619   Message #562555
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Oct-01 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should another tragedy occur
Subject: RE: BS: Should another tragedy occur
Thank you for the common sense. It infuriated me to see people cell phone chatting on the street while three feet away a young woman was in tears trying to get through to her father in the WTC. I had NO LOCAL PHONE for over a week due to busy circuits. Occasional calls of "I'm OK" got through but almost all my contact was via the internet. Of course, getting connected was a feat as well.
My father will probably be the center for our contact since he is usually at home and has a computer. He can email the rest of us with news of family members. I hope everyone takes this seriously and makes a plan both for their own peace of mind and to keep the lines open for emergency calls. That first day, people trapped in the wreckage used sell phones to contact the outside world. A last desperate hope for being found.