The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39623   Message #562730
Posted By: LoopySanchez
01-Oct-01 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: Bill Clinton disbarred from the Supreme Court
Subject: RE: Clinton barred
As is my duty, I must remind the room once again that the Supreme Court did nothing that could be called a "travesty" in the 2000 election. If voting 7-2 that Al Gore's THREE attempts to recount the votes were unconstitutional is considered a travesty by those who post such complaints, then I need a new dictionary. If voting 5-4 that Al Gore had wasted his time on THREE UNCONSTITUTIONAL attempts to recount the votes and would not be allowed any extra time to formulate a fourth way to recount them in his favor is considered a travesty by those who post such complaints, then I'm beginning to think I'm not the one who needs a new dictionary.

As for Clinton being disbarred, all I can say is it's about damn time. Most lawyers would have suffered the same fate a long time ago. I hope Clarence Thomas cast the deciding vote, just to annoy Clinton's legion of limousine liberals a little more.