The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39495   Message #563313
Posted By: Nemesis
02-Oct-01 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: Nudity In Public
Subject: RE: Nudity In Public
Hey! That's a tangential new thread - my grandfather inadvertedly saw off Jehovah's witnesses in revolting circumstances. Coming down the stairs one morning with a full po, the door bell was ringing furiously. Carefully putting down the brimming pot, he opened the door to find the Postman, the coalman, the milkman and behind all this someone thrusting a "Watch Tower" at him. In the tumult, he took it and popped it down next to him.

Yes..... you know the punch line...after everyone else had departed the JW tried the conversion bit. No thank you. Then did he want a copy of the Watch Tower? No thank you. Would he like to make a donation for his copy of the WT? No, thank you. Well if Grandad didn't want the Watch Tower, could he have it back please? Certainly, Grandad said, here you are, politely offering back the, by now, saturated and dripping item.