The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39124   Message #563647
Posted By: Jelly bean
02-Oct-01 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trolling & flaming
Subject: RE: BS: Trolling & flaming
I am beginning to regret asking what I thought was a legitimate question. I am still feeling my way around mudcat and I do take the point that I should probably have looked in FAQ - although, in my defense, I didn't know until I looked what this was about. I think this is a great site and I am amazed at the trouble various people have taken to answer my questions on music and other topics, but am also upset about how offensive people can be to each other. Surely, we all start from a mutual interest in music - why do people, therefore, feel the need to be so rude to each other. I think it's sad that there are some people who have been so hurt that they are withdrawing from it - let's lighten up and pay each other the respect that we all deserve. It's possible to point out an error on someone's part, or disagree with someone without being so offensive isn't it? However, thanks again to those who have answered my queries - naive or not, with courtesy and kindness - regards to you all Ann