The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39648   Message #565599
Posted By: Troll
05-Oct-01 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: American Attacks:Thirteen and Lucky?
Subject: RE: American Attacks:Thirteen and Lucky?
Bluejay, get down off the ceiling and re-read the piece. He's talking about the far left, not the moderate liberals. We have the exact mindset with the far right, the "Nuke 'em all. Let God sort 'em out" types.
Everyone is aware that our Govt. has made poilcy blunders over the years. It's no big secret.
As far as Maher's show, he invites people on who will give predictable responses off which he or his other guests can play.
That's really a no-brainer and I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet.
He invites a hard lefty like Sontag and a couple of hard rightists to appear on the same show and you expect cordial debate. Hell, they'ed probably attack her if she said it's a nice day.
That's why he invited them in the first place. To stir the pot. What kind of show would he have with Sontag and Chomsky and Jackson and Sharpton. Pretty dull I would imagine.
The next time you watch "Politically Incorrect" ask yourself WHY he has those particular people on as guests.
