The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39648   Message #565665
Posted By: mousethief
05-Oct-01 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: American Attacks:Thirteen and Lucky?
Subject: RE: American Attacks:Thirteen and Lucky?
Peg, you won't believe this, but I agree with you! Censorship of the unpatriotic or seemingly unpatriotic during these hyper-patriotic times (very broad but how deep? but that's a question for another post) must be spoken up against. Clamping down on freedom of expression is just making this country more like the sort of country bin Laden apparently prefers. Our liberty breeds libertines, but it also breeds heroes and hardworking ordinary Joes (and Janes). We mustn't give up our freedom to protest those who hate us because of it.


Shutters on storefronts, shutters on the mind
We kill ourselves to keep ourselves safe from crime
That's the gospel of bondage.
--Bruce Cockburn

