The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36217   Message #566109
Posted By: Genie
06-Oct-01 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: Absurd in the Land, Too Long in the Bush
Subject: RE: Absurd in the Land, Too Long in the Bush
Right, Ozzie,
Gore never used the word "invent". Especially in government, one can "create" something (e.g., a cabinet post, a committee, an agency, etc.) in a sense that has nothing to do with "inventing." All he said (which may or may not be entirely true) is that he "took the iniative in creating" the internet. That could mean he was one of the first to propose government funding for research into it, or something like that.

It was largely the so-called "liberal press/media" that distorted his words and perpetuated the myth about his having "claimed to have invented the internet." Even folks like Sam Donaldson, George Stefanopolous, and the commentators on CNN kept joking about and referring to that.

I must admit that so far I am pleasantly surprised by G W B's handling of the terrorist situation (he's keeping the right wing pit bulls on a leash for the moment), and for the sake of the country, I hope he continues to grow into the job. But I still think the media have been easier on him than they were on Gore, both before the election and, especially, after it.
