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Thread #36217   Message #566126
Posted By: GUEST
06-Oct-01 - 02:56 AM
Thread Name: Absurd in the Land, Too Long in the Bush
Subject: RE: Absurd in the Land, Too Long in the Bush
You're right, Doug, the bias is always more noticeable when it's against your side and in favor of the other. It's not that I think the press is necessarily hard on liberals or democrats. Rather, the rap that the press is "liberal" is a bum one.
The media want to make money and are primarily owned by large corporations. Thus, they are not likely to have a populist bias, much less an anti-consumerist bias. I was just pointing out that the media were not easy on Gore. Just as they're not pro-environmentalism, pro-small-business, etc.
They do sometimes make fun of Bush's mangling of the English language, but in the case of Gore, they misquoted him and widely perpetuated the misquote and misrepresentation.
I have seen/heard the media do this often, in relation to many people and stories--i.e., misquote, distort, etc., when their goal seems only to be brevity or titillation, and accuracy be damned.