The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36217   Message #566465
Posted By: GUEST,Ozzie
06-Oct-01 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: Absurd in the Land, Too Long in the Bush
Subject: RE: Absurd in the Land, Too Long in the Bush
Catspaw: The fact that you confused this thread with a music discussion is a good indication of your intellectual capacity. Given your preference for words like dick and cross-dressing, I would have assumed that on a night like this you would be cruising the highway rest areas rather than sitting at the computer.

Lepuss, I know what Rex means, but given your incorrect use of words like cretin, i wasn't sure that you do. That's why I had to use the Mr/Mrs. However, considering your various juvenile comments, I now have no doubt that you are, in your own words, a BOY. Nobody could actually be this stupid, so I assume that you are pretending in order to do a little trolling. So, I'm not going to waste any more time on you. However, I might be willing to pay for a motel room for you and Catspaw if it will get you off this message board for a while.