The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15862   Message #566959
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
07-Oct-01 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Pretty Saro
Subject: RE: Info on Pretty Saro?
Lesley N- The "Bachelors' Hall" lyrics you gave are the ones from my (Ritchie) family of Viper, KY. The song was first recorded on one of my earliest recordings, Elektra (EKL-25, 1954, "O Love is Teasin'" album). I know these are my lyrics because of the very slight changes I made when singing it in my younger days.

Also, the three verses and melody given here in the DT version are the ones from our family. Recorded in 1957 on Folkways 2316, "The Ritchie Family." Most recent recorded on Greenhays ( Rounder) on "The Most Dulcimer" album, 1984.