The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39453   Message #567701
Posted By: GUEST
08-Oct-01 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: Ingleton Folk Weekend Oct 5/7
Subject: RE: Ingleton Folk Weekend Oct 5/7
We went up for the Saturday and were directed by stewards in day glo yellow tabbards (why?) to the session SEVEN miles out. eh? what is going on? and that finished at three ish. We then found the Marton Arms (another few miles out in the other direction) unfolky type staff who looked at us strange when we asked for the nearest campsite. No campsite near was open and no room at the Inn down at the Caravan Park apparently. All strange for a folk festival; why didn't the organisers encourage sessions in the middle of town so we could walk and drink? Are the teachers and the concerts taking over? is this the way forward? Bah humbug.