The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1621   Message #5679
Posted By: Benjamin Hollister (
24-May-97 - 09:25 PM
Thread Name: Folk Songs to Ditch
Oh Boy, I wasn't gonna but I have to.

I remeber the relief felt when I first heard the folk version of Matilda but could do with out it now. Unfortunately always get asked to play/sing it when travelling OS me being Aussie.

My songs fall into the category that Billy Connolly once summed up as "Shortbread Tin Songs" where the singer is standing like the figures on Scottish shortbread tins.

Danny Boy is one especially with the spoken bit about the soldier in the first world war (And Alan what about Barry Crockers version!!!! I played that at a bad taste party recently and had the whole crowd singing

Others are: Maids when you're young never wed an old man Cockles and Mussels Black Velvet Band Maggie/Nora (Slightly bearable when sung in Irish) Wild colonial Boy (even when done to Ghost Riders in the sky) Carrickfergus/Wild Mountain Thyme/Fields of Athenry (depending on who and how sung) Any Irish song sung in Country and Western style

Anyone who wants to experience this The Irish Australian Assoc in Adelaide 4th and 5th Fridays of month.

I feel so much better
