The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39719   Message #567991
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
09-Oct-01 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: Performance Fatigue
Subject: RE: Performance Fatigue
A bigger bodhrain might be an answer, because what it sounds like is RSI. Your right arm is moving within a limited sphere of movement, and only one set of muscles is being used. Get a bigger playing area and adapt your style to use the whole of the skin. Experiment with the different sounds it makes.... you'll probably find your whole arm aches instead of just a part of it... And it will make you look flashier on the stage.

As for the total body exhaustion - do you sit or stand on stage? Ever tried standing for 2 hours anywhere else?? Knackering isn't it! Try to keep moving your feet around. Guards on parade for events such as the 'Trooping the Colour' will shift every ten minutes or so.... like a little ripple going down the ranks. They are shifting from their heels to the ball of the foot and stretching up a little. This gets the circulation going and stops them fainting.

The adrenalin rush that a good gig should cause, will send everything else rushing round as well, I knew a bloke who ended up with a stiffy every time he did a gig.... nice for his girlfriend but a bit embarassing for the front row. He took to playing guitar to hide it! As they say, what goes up, must come down and an adrenalin rush can either make you feel like you could take on the world and win, or like you want to chuck! Tip - don't do the second one on stage, unless you are a punk band! You will feel like absolute death after a huge buzz, it's the way we are.....

And as said above, do drink lots of water or soft drinks... alcohol will only make you want to pee more, it's a depressant and no-one wants to pay good money to see a drunk on stage any more. Go for long cold (but not iced) fruit juices which will be refreshing, good for your innards and should provide enough sugar to keep you going. When I'm in a session that I know is going to go on, I alternate with 2 pints of OJ & Lemonade to 1 pint of beer, but then, I'm usually sitting down.

Good luck with it, and take care of yourself!