The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39719   Message #568202
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
09-Oct-01 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: Performance Fatigue
Subject: RE: Performance Fatigue
Here's what works for me. Watching diet, exercise and rest very closely.

Diet: Some of you are going to react by throwing up your hands at this. Don't eat animal products. Eat as much as possible raw foods. Don't drink alcohol or smoke. Drink lots of water. Try to eat organic vegtables. Balance by eating a lot of different kind of veggies. This will clear the body of toxics which depletes energy and causes physical problems in playing instruments.

Exercise moderately. Aerobic is best for singing and breathing. Swimming, jogging, fast walking, biking, stairsteps at a heath club or Y.

Anerobic: Some light weight training.

Rest: Yoga, meditation.

Tall order? Sure is! Being a performer to me is just like being an athlete. Gotta' kinda' be in training.

A lot of this stuff is almost impossible when on the road but it can be done. Eat out of markets (stay away from processed foods) instead of restaurants. Jog or fast-walk. Get a national health club card. Try to avoid late night parties as much as possible.

Most people can't get into this kind of regimen but I figure there are two roads to take. Physical health or addictive substances. Doing what we do (performing) is not for everybody.

Sorry if this sounds like a lecture but I felt since you asked I had to make the case.
